
Recycling baler insights: How UK Businesses are maximising incredible efficiency levels


Recycling Baler Insights for UK Businesses 

As the world becomes more conscious of global warming, ACM continues to find customers across the UK prioritising sustainability and efficiency in their business operations. Recycling balers have emerged as indispensable tool for our customers in pursuit towards a zero-waste world. This article delves into how UK businesses are harnessing the power of recycling balers to streamline operations, reduce waste, and boost overall efficiency. 

Understanding the Role of Recycling Balers 

Recycling balers play a crucial role in waste management processes for our customers, compacting their recyclable materials, like cardboard, into dense bales that are easier for us to handle and transport. 

ACM’s recycling balers are available in various types, from vertical balers to horizontal balers, each model will meet the specific needs and volumes of waste generated by our customers. 

What are the benefits of Recycling Balers for UK Businesses? 

Investing in an ACM recycling baler will lead to significant cost savings by reducing the amount of waste collections your business needs and will enhance your project’s storage space. 

By compacting your businesses recyclable materials, businesses can reduce their carbon footprint due to lower frequencies of waste collections needed.  

Recycling balers streamline waste management processes for many of our customers, saving both time and manpower needed for handling and disposing of their recyclables. 


Adhering to site waste management plans becomes more manageable with efficient recycling practices that are facilitated by our balers. 

Implementing Recycling Balers: Best Practices 

Conduct a site waste audit to identify recyclable materials your project is generating and determine the appropriate type and size of baler required to manage your volume of waste.

Organise a regular maintenance schedule to ensure optimal performance and longevity of recycling equipment you are hiring from ACM. If you contact our team, they will be able to set up a maintenance schedule tailored to your requirements.

Ensure you set up regular comprehensive training to staff members on operating and maintaining recycling balers safely and effectively. ACM’s incredibly helpful team will help you organise this.

What businesses can benefit from recycling balers?  

Many of our customers in ACM have benefited significantly from having recycling balers on sites, however, the below sectors appear to be the most popular for the recycling equipment: 

Supermarkets and retail stores can use balers to compact their cardboard packaging and plastics, reducing the waste volume, increasing available space and ultimately encourage more recycling.  



Customers in manufacturing usually install balers to manage industrial waste, enhancing efficiency and sustainability in any production processes ongoing.  

Hotels and restaurants utilise ACM’s balers to handle cardboard packaging and food waste, minimising landfill contributions and promoting more sustainable thinking. 

To summarise… 

To reflect on the above points, recycling balers offer our customers and UK businesses a collection of benefits, from cost savings and environmental performance to enhanced efficiencies on site. By embracing ACM’s recycling balers and implementing best practices, UK businesses can contribute to sustainable thinking while reaping financial rewards. 

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